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New Policies Starting 2/29/2016

Attention Chef Club Members and Home School Students


Due to the increased enrolment in our classes, we NO LONGER offer make-up classes. If a student is not able to attend their designated class time and day their class will be forfeited. However, they will receive the recipes from the class they missed.  No exceptions besides dates that WE are closed. Ex: Memorial Day, 4th of July...etc


Also, we no longer offer classpacks. Unfortunately it has become too difficult to monitor when a classpack student will or will not be attending a class therefore our classes are becoming lopsided and unpredictable. Students that currently have a classpack will able to use them until they run out or expire.

Only 1-time classes are available at $30 per class and a reservation must be made in advance.


It is important to us to ensure the students continue to have a positive experience. Thank you for understanding


Claremont Chefs Academy Staff



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