All classes and events are running as scheduled! They are all in person and not virtual.
We have taken this pandemic very seriously and want to see the steady decline in COVID 19 cases. In our classes and camps, we will implement the following new safety policies:
- We will continue to wash hands upon arrival and during the class as needed.
-All students and chefs must wear face masks at all times unless vaccinated. They can be removed when eating.
-To also help reduce the concentration of people in our shop, parents are no longer allowed to stay and watch the class. Drop off only.
-Parents will be required to wait for their child(ren) in the outside atrium when it is time to pick them up.
-Please do not attend or send any children to class if they have any signs of illness such as cough, runny nose, sneezing, etc.
-All foods prepared at the shop must be consumed at the shop. We are not able to send any foods home.
We know this may take away from how we ran our classes before but this will only be a temporary situation. Once thing have gotten back to normal, we will reduce these requirements.
Birthday parties are back but with limitations. CLICK HERE for details.
Till then stay safe, stay healthy!
Chef Leslie & Chef Rob